Power Rangers “Lightspeed Rescue”

Here’s a great example of kids franchise, back in the day, in the PSX days, I helped design this little game for THQ. I wanted to showcase this license in my portfolio because of my uneducated design approach at this point in my career.

We bastardized ‘Double Dragon’, as far as my design pitch went, we were making a ‘homage’ to one of my fav side scrolling ‘co-op’ games. Granted we were limited by the platform spec but it’s essence and soul remained firmly planted as intended – merchandise within the franchise.

The portfolio piece highlights how I planned the levels, I used to find drawing out/planning everything on paper helped immensely for all involved, the dev team could see the direction and the publishers were always pleased to see commitment.

About Googlywaa
A grizzled Computer Games industry veteran tasked with the spiffing job of adding that fun factor for idle thumbs.

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